Teens Stations of the Cross

Teens Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

4th Stations of the Cross

5th Stations of the Cross


Prayer Before a Crucifix

Church buildings roof damage

Church buildings roof damage

Church buildings roof damage

Church buildings roof damage and repair

Church buildings roof damage and repair

New roof on church

Operation Gators Strong – Pictures from our distribution to those affected by the fires

ABVM Girl Scouts Troop 2705 giving out Comfort Cubs to Families affected by Eaton Canyon Fire 3-15-2025

Our Mission Statement

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church is a Catholic Community.

Our mission is to welcome all in the name of Jesus, and to live out our faith as His Disciples.

We worship, proclaim the Gospel to all, and help those in need.











Parish News

  • Lenten Mission with Fr. Richard Benson | March 24 – 26.  It begins with Mass at 6:30 pm, Confession, the Mission Talk (each evening has a different theme:  Faith, Hope, and Prayer), and hospitality afterward.  Please plan to attend but for those not able to join in person, the Mission will be Live Streamed via Vimeo beginning at 6:30 PM.  Click on link here.
  • Request for Prayers: Two parishioners are in the hospital fighting for their lives. Mr. Lucas Benitez and Mr. Philip Prado are in comas in two different hospitals. They need our prayers. Their families need our prayers also.Ken and Mary Lund have decided to recite the rosary for them every day at 5:30 pm. Anyone can join them through Zoom. Here is the Zoom information:    Meeting ID: 830 4033 3874 Passcode: LUCAS
  • Capital Campaign project:  Renovation of Msgr. Crean Hall |  Preview of Architectural Design
  • 75th Anniversary Celebration Update: The events of January 7 changed the mood in our parish. As we entered 2025 with joy and gratitude, the Santa Ana winds and the accompanying wildfire transformed our happiness into sorrow and our gratitude into hopelessness. These devastating natural events caused many families to lose their homes and be displaced. This situation prompted us to rethink our plans for the 75th Anniversary Celebration. We recognized the need to adjust our approach to better reflect our community’s sad and hopeless feelings. While we had to eliminate many planned events, we decided to retain those that would help restore faith, hope, and spiritual well-being among the parishioners.Therefore, we are pleased to announce the following events for our 75th anniversary:
    March 15 Spring Gathering
    March 24-26 Parish Lenten Mission
    April 3 A Day of Reflection in Malibu
    TBA Discussion on Mary
    TBA Holy Hour
    September 14 Grand Finale
  • Mass and Musician Assignment
  • Religious Education News
  • Weddings at ABVM | info
  • From the Office of the Archbishop | Immigration Resources https://lifejusticeandpeace.lacatholics.org/immigration-resources. 
  • More News …

Mass Times

Weekday Mass

Monday – Friday | Morning Prayer 7:45AM | Mass 8:15 AM*

Weekend Mass

Saturday | Vigil 5:00 PM 

Sunday | 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM*, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM

* Livestream


Saturday | 3:30-4:30PM  

Parish Office


Monday – Friday | 9:00am – Noon & 1:00pm – 4:00PM

Sunday | 8:30am-11:00am


2640 E. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107


Parish Staff: (626)792-1343

Email: church@abvmpasadena.org

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