On Sunday Dec. 4th, 2016 at the 9:00 am Mass, Lian Maa, David Poehler and Kathleen Wright were accepted into the Order of Catechumens and began the official process of formation leading to initiation into the Catholic Church. At the same Mass, Chris Burlaza and Geza Demeter, who were already baptized, were welcomed as candidates to complete their Sacraments of Initiation by receiving Confirmation and Eucharist. Alan Wong, who was baptized in another Christian denomination, was welcomed as a candidate for Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church.   In these Rites, the Church accepts and welcomes these individuals’ intention to respond to God’s call to follow the way of Christ and become fully initiated Catholic Christians. We here at Assumption likewise pledge to welcome and support Lian, David, Kathleen, Chris, Geza and Alan on their faith journeys.   Please keep them in your prayers and take the opportunity to introduce yourself to them!

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