Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle
Paulist Fathers (C.S.P.)
Paulists give the Word of God a voice in pulpits and print, on radio and television, on the Web and the wide screen. They search out those who have no church home, and welcome home those who have been away. They share the passion of St. Paul for unity in faith and solidarity in mission among all the baptized in the body of Christ.
Paulists build bridges of respect and collaboration with people of other world religions. They welcome people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds in our parish, city center and campus worshipping communities.
The Paulist Fathers began in July of 1858 when four former Redemptorist missionaries formed a new religious movement around the vision of Father Isaac Thomas Hecker, a convert, who wanted to share the message of the Catholic Church with Protestant America. They continue in Los Angeles today at St. Paul’s Parish on the Westside, UCLA Campus Ministry, bustedhalo.com – a ministry to young adults, the Paulist Press, and Paulist Productions – which creates films and television programs that reveal God’s presence in the contemporary human experience. ~paulist.org