The last email I received from Tom was on Saturday morning April 20th, 2013, when Tom wrote:
“Dear Prayer Group and Friends,
Kindly pray that Juan Hernandez rests in peace, and remember his family that they may receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit to fill their loss. ……”
I would never imagine that within a day, we would be praying for Tom’s eternal rest in the arms of the Risen Christ instead! Tom passed away unexpectedly at his home early Sunday morning, April 21st.
Besides a member of the Stewardship Committee, Tom was a communication minister of the Intercessory Prayer Group who propagated prayer requests through email distribution. He was a man of faith, a prayer warrior and a faithful fervent servant of the Lord. His patron saint was Saint Pio (Pius) of Pietrelcina, popularly known as Padre Pio who believed the love of God is inseparable from suffering and that suffering all things for the sake of God is the way for the soul to reach God. Tom held this spiritual belief firmly in his heart and he practiced the faith with courage and humility.
We will never forget our dear brother Tom. We will continue his legacy of online prayer request and to live our faith through prayer, hope and stewardship.
The following prayer is written by Tom for our 2012 Stewardship campaign. It is deep in gratitude and love for all that God has given us.
May Tom rest in peace and may his family receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit to fill their loss!
– Anne Au
A Steward’s Prayer
Heavenly Father,
You have blessed me with many gifts –
Gifts to use, according to your will,
In the service of others.
Help me to be a good steward
Of the Time, Talent, and Treasure
I have received.
Grant me a sense
Of cooperation and oneness
With your spirit.
There are many gifts,
But one spirit, and the way I share
These gifts is my gift back to you.
Lord, I hear you calling me.
May I serve you with
Unceasing generosity.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Your Son and our Savior.
On June 4, a tree was planted next to the church in memory of long time parishioner Tom Mahoney, from his loving family.