Elementary (1st – 6th)


Assumption Faith Formation welcomes all. We dedicate ourselves to living and sharing our Catholic faith. We strive to provide an environment where members of our parish can develop and grow in their faith. Our goal is to bring God into the homes, lives, and hearts of all. As a community we support each other, assist each other, celebrate the Eucharist together, and spread the Gospel together. We are a “Community in Unity”.


The Faith Formation program at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish initiates children into the heart and beauty of Catholic teachings. Each grade covers specific material consistent with the age and readiness of children.

Our program fosters a love of the Holy Trinity, faithful presentation of Scripture and the traditions of the Catholic Community.

We promote full participation in our parish community and service to all of God’s Creation.

We believe that parents are the primary spiritual educators of their children.

Our program seeks to engage the family in faith sharing and faith building. We encourage all families to take a serious role in the development and nurturing of the Catholic faith in their children.

We prepare the children who are receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.

We are firmly committed to providing a Catholic education for all children through Faith Formation.


Please contact the Faith Formation Office at (626) 792-6844 or email Miss Cheli at cvaldez@abvmpasadena.org for any registration questions.

$125.00 per student

Second Year / Second Grade Sacrament fee for students receiving First Reconciliation and First Eucharist:

First Year / First Grade Sacrament Preparation Fee for First Grade Students:

The Elementary Team:

1st grade – Gricelda Chavez and Alina Tovalin
2nd grade – Laura Snyder
Sacrament Preparation – Pat Vidimos
3rd grade – Winnie Calvario, Elisa Pirrone, Melissa L.
4th grade – Connie Cruz, Michael Divic
5th grade – E.J. Mojica and Dora Palacio

Class time – 9:00 – 10:15 am

Textbook – 1st – 3rd – RCL Benziger Be Our Disciples. 4th – 5th grade – Pflaum gospel weeklies

Parents are the primary spiritual educators of their children. Parents teach by example and instruction. Parents communicate values and attitudes by showing love for Christ and his Church and for each other, by reverently receiving the Eucharist and living in its spirit, and by fostering justice and love in all relationships. Our program seeks to engage the family in faith sharing and faith building. We encourage all families to take a serious role in the development and nurturing of the Catholic faith in their children. Taking children to Mass is part of our obligation to bring up our children in the Catholic faith.

Faith formation is a lifelong process. We never graduate.


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