CRS’s Rice Bowl
CRS’s Rice Bowl
CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action program for parishes, schools and families. The program invites Catholics to live in solidarity with our poorest and most vulnerable brothers and sisters through the three Lenten pillars of praying, fasting, and almsgiving. [Continue]
Participants journey throughout the forty days of Lent with the daily reflections included in the Lenten Calendar, offering small, suggested sacrificial gifts to fill their Rice Bowls as they read and watch Stories of Hope from individuals and communities whose lives have been changed by CRS Rice Bowl contributions.
Since 1975, Catholics have been using CRS Rice Bowl to meditate on the love Jesus Christ demonstrates in His Passion and Resurrection and to imitate Jesus’ love for the world through concrete, sacrificial giving to our brothers and sisters in need.
Our parish will be supporting Operation Rice Bowl during Lent. Please pick up a rice bowl at the church entrances. The calendar inside has many suggestions for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We will collect the rice bowls in the church after Lent. Click on the title for more information.