The Coronavirus Relief Law expands the charitable giving deduction to taxpayers who do not itemize. This above-the-line deduction is capped at $300 per person/$600 per couple for donations to qualified charitable organizations such as Assumption Parish.

The law also lifts the cap on annual contributions for those who itemize, from 60% of adjusted gross income to 100%. These giving incentives apply to 2020 contributions and would be claimed in 2021 when completing your 2020 tax forms.

We need your support…

You have been shown that you are truly a giving and caring community with your continuing support of your parish during this time of crisis. Thank you!

Although the church and office remain closed, our employees continue working remotely to keep our daily operations moving forward. Unfortunately, all the rest of the parish expenses also continue, and those must be paid from our regular collections which have decreased significantly since our church doors closed for our regular Masses. However, our faith sharing continues and we now have livestream Masses and new ways of communicating and gathering.

Please continue your generosity to the parish either online through Faith Direct, online banking, through the regular mail, or dropping off your envelopes through the rectory mail slot. We greatly appreciate it.


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