Faith Formation and Youth Mass News

Faith Formation

Religious Education Sundays

February 2-Class-9:00AM

February 9 – Class-9:00AM



Teen Confirmation Mondays

February 3-Year I-7:00PM

February 10—Year II-7:00PM

Teen Confirmation is a two year program serving Freshman and Sophomores in Catholic and non-Catholic High Schools.

For further information and to register contact: Cheli Valdez, at (626)792-6844 or

Youth Mass and Youth Night

Saturday, February 1 at 5:00PM

Enjoy a night of fellowship with your friends at our Youth Mass and Night!  We invite all teens currently in our Confirmation program and those who have been confirmed, to attend the Youth Mass at 5:00PM and Youth Night at 6:00-8:00pm at Msgr. Crean Hall. We request that the teens come to Mass and sit together in the reserved seats at Mass before attending Youth Night.

This social gives teens the opportunity to have fun and build a community. A light dinner will be served. For questions, please call Ms. Cheli at (626) 792-6844 or email at


Please Pray For Those Who Have Died

Rest in peace

Delina Rosa Vega



























































































































































Weddings at Assumption

The celebration of marriage is also a liturgical act, appropriately held in a public liturgy at church. Catholics are urged to celebrate their marriage within the Eucharistic Liturgy. ~USCCB

We welcome couples to plan their wedding celebration at Assumption. The Catholic Church requires a preparation period of at least 6 months. Marriage preparation addresses such topics as: the Sacrament of Matrimony, communication, and decision-making. Please see our website for more detailed information, fees, and our brochure on marriage in the Catholic Church.

Please phone the office to schedule an appointment with the Pastor at least 6 months prior to the proposed wedding date.

Available wedding times are on Saturdays: 10AM, 12-Noon, and 1:30PM. Friday or any other weekday: time to be determined.

 For more information from the USCCB about Catholic marriages see: