RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Are you 17 years or older and would like to join Catholic Church but are not Baptized?

Come join our RCIA program!

Are you Baptized in the Catholic Church, but have not made your First Holy Communion or Confirmation, and you are 17 years or older?

Come join our RCIA program!

Are you Baptized in another Christian denomination, but would like to join the Catholic Church?

Come join our RCIA program!


Call the parish office 626.792.1343 to register. Class begins in October.



Synod of Bishops

General Assembly on the Synod on the future of the church, to be held in Rome from October 4 to 29, 2023.

“The Assembly addresses the  overarching question of the Synod: How does this “journeying together,” which takes place today on different levels (from the local level to the universal one), allow the church to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the mission entrusted to her; and what steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow as a synodal Church?

This work is based on what emerged from listening to the People of God as presented in the Instrumentum Laboris and the previous documents.”


What is the Instrumentum laboris (IL)?

 It is the fruit of the discernment that began with the consultation of the People of God at the local level. The fruits of this consultation were collected at the diocesan level and then summarized and sent to the Bishops’ Conferences or Synods of the Eastern Catholic Churches. These then went on to Continental Assemblies.

Based on all the material gathered during the listening phase, and in particular the Final Documents of the Continental Assemblies, the Instrumentum laboris (IL) was drafted.

Our parish participated in the process in 2022 and the results are on our website!




Archdiocese of Los Angeles fingerprinting procedures

The Archdiocese provides fingerprinting services free of charge and works with the California Department of Justice to have these fingerprints submitted and scanned by the appropriate agencies. Anyone in the archdiocese who has regular contact with minors or vulnerable adults, whether in a paid or volunteer position, must be fingerprinted before they can begin work.

For more information about fingerprinting protocols, visit https://handbook.la-archdiocese.org/chapter-9/section-9-3.

For fingerprinting information go to: lacatholics.org/fingerprinting/


Remember: Keep up with your Virtus reading online!


Young Adult Ministry (YAM)

Young Adult Ministry Wednesdays at 7:00PM at the Community Center

The Young Adult Ministry (YAM) is growing! We are back to meeting in the Community Center every Wednesday at 7pm for prayer, formation, and fellowship including dinner. There are also plenty of weekend activities to join.

Young adults, ages 18-39 are invited, including students, couples, singles, and young families. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @abvmyam