
Archdiocese of Los Angeles fingerprinting procedures

The Archdiocese provides fingerprinting services free of charge and works with the California Department of Justice to have these fingerprints submitted and scanned by the appropriate agencies. Anyone in the archdiocese who has regular contact with minors or vulnerable adults, whether in a paid or volunteer position, must be fingerprinted before they can begin work.

For more information about fingerprinting protocols, visit

For fingerprinting information go to:


Remember: Keep up with your Virtus reading online!


Young Adult Ministry (YAM)

Young Adult Ministry Wednesdays at 7:00PM at the Community Center

The Young Adult Ministry (YAM) is growing! We are back to meeting in the Community Center every Wednesday at 7pm for prayer, formation, and fellowship including dinner. There are also plenty of weekend activities to join.

Young adults, ages 18-39 are invited, including students, couples, singles, and young families. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @abvmyam



Support Your Parish

Although our church doors remain closed, Assumption has been very active. We have expanded our online presence, continued with outdoor Masses and a Communion Distribution, and our ministries continue to meet virtually. We continue to ensure that our parish remains operationally viable, especially while Mass attendance is still limited.

Your parish is dependent on your generosity which helps us to continue to reach out to those most in need. We need to keep the parish in solid working order and pay our bills that continue during this extended uncertain period. As a reminder, we introduced online giving via Faith Direct which provides a great benefit to our parish.  Information is available on our website and there is no charge to you to give. We are most grateful for your continued giving and we look forward to serving you as we prayerfully move forward. Thank you to our 57 parishioners who have already signed up for Faith Direct.

The Coronavirus Relief Act Law expanded the charitable giving deduction to taxpayers who do not itemize and lifted the cap on annual contributions for those who itemize for the 2020 tax year. Please consult with your tax preparer for further details.

Maintenance & Repairs Report – Month of September


Donations through the green envelopes found in your monthly envelope packet, Maintenance & Repairs designated on the memo line of your check, and in Faith Direct, are restricted for use towards our Church Maintenance & Repairs. These donations remain 100% in our parish and are not subject to an Archdiocese assessment fee. These funds go directly toward paying for our church facility upkeep, maintenance and improvements, and the utility bills.

We had 3 fewer families participating this month versus August 2020. Previously, we had delayed some projects while donations were down due to Covid 19: however, we need to proceed on some much-needed repairs and maintenance. This past month, we repainted Msgr. Crean Hall which had not been painted in over 10 years. The pictures were in a previous bulletin.


Please consider donating to this much needed fund via online banking, Faith Direct, mailing, or dropping your donation through the mail slot of the rectory office.


Here is a look at the month of September 2020 Maintenance & Repairs collections versus our actual expenditures:


Funds collected from green envelopes                 $ 7,897

Repairs, routine maintenance, utility expenses $(19,056)

Shortfall for the month                                       $(11,159)

Families Participating                                                 118

(green envelopes, Faith Direct, or indicated on check)


Thank you for your continued donation!



Faith Direct ~ A New Way to Donate

Let’s go paperless!


Faith Direct enables parishioners to make church contributions through either a direct debit from your checking/savings account, or through your credit/debit card. It is very simple to do. Through the Assumption website and Constant Contact you can access the Faith Direct secure website. Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for this month is “Respect for the Planet’s Resources.” Let’s follow his direction and go paperless!


Many of you are aware and take advantage of the convenience of electronic giving to our parish, and we are most grateful for your choosing this option. However, it is NOT paperless. Your bank mails us a check instead of you. So please reconsider and switch to Faith Direct. Let’s implement a positive action during this pandemic and save some trees in accordance with the Pope’s prayer.


Also, if you no longer need your monthly envelopes mailed to you, please notify the rectory office so we can reduce unnecessary related costs.

Thank you!


New Tax Incentives for Charitable Giving

The Coronavirus Relief Law expands the charitable giving deduction to taxpayers who do not itemize. This above-the-line deduction is capped at $300 per person/$600 per couple for donations to qualified charitable organizations such as Assumption Parish.

The law also lifts the cap on annual contributions for those who itemize, from 60% of adjusted gross income to 100%. These giving incentives apply to 2020 contributions and would be claimed in 2021 when completing your 2020 tax forms.

We need your support…

You have been shown that you are truly a giving and caring community with your continuing support of your parish during this time of crisis. Thank you!

Although the church and office remain closed, our employees continue working remotely to keep our daily operations moving forward. Unfortunately, all the rest of the parish expenses also continue, and those must be paid from our regular collections which have decreased significantly since our church doors closed for our regular Masses. However, our faith sharing continues and we now have livestream Masses and new ways of communicating and gathering.

Please continue your generosity to the parish either online through Faith Direct, online banking, through the regular mail, or dropping off your envelopes through the rectory mail slot. We greatly appreciate it.


Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.