Introduction to Faith Formation at ABVM
Growth in faith is life-long
Faith Formation is for people of all ages. It is not restricted to children preparing to receive their sacraments or adults being initiated into the Catholic Church. Rather, each person’s journey in faith is life-long. Because of this, the Faith Formation Program here at Assumption offers a variety of classes, courses and experiences designed to assist people to grow in their relationship with God; to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Church and its teaching; to become more committed disciples of Jesus Christ; and to be ever more attentive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives.
Faith Formation: Pre-school to Teen
A Faith Formation Coordinator oversees programs designed specifically for children in their Pre-School to Teen years, including one for Special Needs children. This Coordinator is assisted by experienced Catechists and Faith Coaches. Each grade covers specific material consistent with the age and readiness of children. The programs promote full participation in our parish community and service to all God’s creation.
Because we believe that parents are the primary educators of their children, our programs seek to engage the family in faith sharing and faith building. From October-April we sponsor a monthly Sunday Family Mass as well as regularly held parent sessions to assist parents in their responsibility to foster their children’s faith and spiritual development.
Adult Faith Formation
An Adult Faith Formation Coordinator designs and/or oversees a variety of programs: Adult Initiation (RCIA), Adult Confirmation, and Bible Study; as well as special reflection groups, enrichment opportunities; and seasonal evenings of prayer.